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Today's tip:

Is the usefulness of email completely disappearing?

Most of us need email to keep in touch with family, friends and customers, but due to spammers, it’s becoming increasing difficult to ensure that your email arrives.

Guaranteed email delivery?
Here is a good service to (almost) guarantee delivery of your one-off emails. You will receive confirmation when you email has been viewed and can even apply for a verified receipt which has legal standing. This is great unless you are a spammer, in which case you will be prevented from using this service.

If you use email for business, you might also need to send newsletters to your opt-in customers. How can you still ensure that your email gets delivered?

A big problem is that ISPs are filtering our email, even if they merely suspect that you might be sending spam or if your IP address has been used by a spammer in the past you might have delivery problems. This is not such an easy problem to solve since the majority of consumers have a high speed internet connection and a dynamic IP address is assigned when switching on the modem. Your public IP address might well be currently in use at this moment for spamming.

B2B email content should not usually contain words that are considered inappropriate and are likely to be filtered by ISPs or Governments. However, this could be a problem if you are a Newsletter publisher and write political commentaries.

If you market to consumers, then you might have to register at your ISP for their feedback loop and white list programs. If you are accepted, you will be informed should any recipients complain about you, so that you can take corrective action. If you continue to send emails to people who don’t want them, i.e. if you get a lot of negative feedback, then your ISP will strike you from the white list program.

I will now concentrate on B2B emails and how to organize this chore outside of your email client, Thunderbird, Eudora, Mail, Outlook or whichever you use.

The most professional email software as far as I’m concerned is MailLoop. It will take care of your newsletters, auto responders and also the automation of your incoming mail.


Details here:

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Regarding the content of the email itself, do make sure that the recipient realizes that the email is for him. This is just in case he has forgotten that he subscribed to your list 18 months ago and has not unsubscribed. If there is any doubt on the side of the recipient, this is a fast way to inadvertently get reported for spamming.

Add your company name and details to the email, which is obligatory in the USA and some other countries. An unsubscribe link is also obligatory in the USA and a good idea everywhere.

A text message will be easier to get delivered in a B2B environment over an HTML message, as some company servers filter out HTML messages. Also some individual users do the same at their work station.

You might also need to address the matter of SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and your registrar or web host can help you here.

An authorized SMTP service might be a good idea too and you can apply for membership to . It starts at $24 a year depending on your mail volume. If you spam at any time they will throw you out, which is good and will help keep such services clean.

All the tips for ensuring email delivery can be found here:


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